Tel Aviv is crazier than you can imagine. You can start your tour with Humus Ashkarah that provides 24 hours humus service on Dizengoff Street. Later on walk through Park Hayarkon and do something random for god’s sake . Here you can find some reviews about Silon Bar and do not be shy. Just mingle around with the lovely people there.Or you can choose an alternative club called Mental and get wasted for the night. For shopping go to Levinsky Market / Florentin and especially for art craft shopping, go to Shuk Hapishpushim/ Yaffo.
Of course Mark Ronson. Stop me if you can!!
Visit the fruity blog of Ike.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Amsterdam by Wibe
Paradiso is a church converted into a concert hall, which is probably serving for a better aim now . You must visit this iconic place for a concert. If you are a musuem person, you should try Van Gogh Museum, Rijksmuseum and FOAM museum. If you want to socialize and mingle, you must grab a seat of the huge table in Cafe de Jaren. For a crazy night life, you may want to try Club Trouw, Sugar Factory (close to Leidseplein), Melkweg and Studio 80 (at Rembrandtplein). Spantaneously, walk through the Westerstraat to find the best restaurant for yourself. Do not forget to check Carnivale, which is a great event organized by Ben Komor and Job van de Graaf. Lovely Amsterdam!
PS: Wibe’s suggestion of book is ‘The Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwel
PS: Wibe’s suggestion of book is ‘The Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwel
Helsinki by Eva
Cold Cold Finland! If you ever had a chance to go to Helsinki, you may take the advice of Eva and visit suomenlinna. Do not try to swim before you go to a Finnish Sauna. As she says, there are boats to take you to the island. Yeah Bobby!
Athens by Nodas
Zorbas are in town! Eat, drink and dance. Lets dance in Athens! Here are the ingredients of Athens Booster. Baluxcafe,Astir-Palace,Lycabettus Hill,Dioskouroi cafe/tavern-Acropolis. In general, Gazi is the place for bars and clubs. For shopping, try Kifissia. During the summer, do not miss the Greek Festival. You can continue dancing in Newacropolismuseum. Hey, I have not heard of Hed Kandi. Thanks Nodas!
Munich by Annette
You are bored at home and looking for some motivation. First watch the video of Annette.Let them dissolve in your brain and then stir the solution. Here are some tips about Munich that may help you to prepare your own cocktail.Hey, do not also forget to listen to Stereo Total for a little change. Visit La Pastateca at Hohenzollernstrasse and Cooperativa at Gärtnerplatz.
Amsterdam by Jan
Amsterdam is not just about window models and hand-made grandma space cakes. There is more than that. As Jan recommends, go and discover the Nieuwmarkt. You may also want to hear Amsterdam from Wibe on For electro lovers, plug into Miss Kittin and the Hacker Then boost your energy high.
Krakow by Natalia
More Krakow. More Alternative Krakow. Alchemia sounds like alchemist, is an interesting place to drink and clubbing as Natalia explains. If you are interested in a Jewish area to smell some history, you should visit Jewish District. The choice of music is from Ane Brun.
Seville by Carlos
A lot to do in Seville. If you are thirsty for Flemenco, add La Carboneria Bar. You may also want to listen to Spanish Band called Celtas Cortos, if you want to hear some Spanish Pop.
Krakow by Aneta
Start with the main square Rynek Gowny in Krakow and see the touristic area. If you want to listen to the reference of a local, do not be a ‘la loca’ and visit two different restaurants. One is called restaurant Wierzynek. Or you can choose a more cozy place to eat and drink. The second place is called Babcia Malina. While exploring these restaurants, listen to Polish singer called Anna Maria Jopek. Welcome to Krakow!
Isanbul by Bengu
As Bengu mentions you may start with Otto in Taksim/Istanbul. If you really want to feel that you are just on the Bosphorus, you'd better choose the seafood restaurant Misina. You can try the traditional alcohol drink of Turkey "rakı" in Misina. Rakı goes best with the seafood and meze. You may consider Meze as Turkish version of tapas.
24 hours Night life does not sleep in Istanbul. Save some space in your stomach for the rest of the night. You may need all your energy for the night clubs in Istanbul. If you like alternative, jazz, and indie rock type of music rather than traditional pop, you should try babylon Istanbul, indigo and dogzstar. You may have the chance to listen to some great names such as Marianne Faithful, Natacha Atlas etc. in Babylon.
24 hours Night life does not sleep in Istanbul. Save some space in your stomach for the rest of the night. You may need all your energy for the night clubs in Istanbul. If you like alternative, jazz, and indie rock type of music rather than traditional pop, you should try babylon Istanbul, indigo and dogzstar. You may have the chance to listen to some great names such as Marianne Faithful, Natacha Atlas etc. in Babylon.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Here I come!
Welcome to the real world... Welcome to Dublin...
5th of September 2006,
I packed mywhole life in my red luggage and dragged it slowly to an island.
The island, Dublin itself spots the question in minds "What would be the prior three things to take when you found yourself on an island?" I guess it is too early to answer such a question. Pause. Live and experience are two magic words that shall shed the light for my concerns in this green land.
Finally, we landed. Anthony, my friend, was there waiting for me. He was my welcome committee. He has passed through all passport controls and walked through all the doors openning into the Turkish Airlines. Such a bloody lovely friend. Pause. I know, I have skipped to mention that he works at the airport. Who cares! He was still there for me.
Tea break at the airport.
When you order a cup of tea, you always get milk with it.Milk and tea time. The next step is Guiness. Watch out, while you are climbing "the drinking ladder" from milk to tea and tea to guiness, you may fall down after Guiness.
Anthony and I took the air coach bus heading towards the center. First impressions appeared on my window screen of the bus. The whole Dublin was playing in my window. No way to pause it anymore. Apparently It would even fast and forward. The city was converted from a patato land into an industrilized european village. Pause. I can hear the reaction. Why village? Believe me there are few real big cities in Europe.
I arrived to my lovely Pembroke Road Bed and Breakfast home. My red luggage, Anthony and I were worried about the stairs. At the end, All were at the top. I was so excited to go out and explore Dublin. I left my heavy red luggage all alone in my room. Anthony had to go back his home. I was all alone on the streets of Dublin. Hearing the language that I can understand. Every time I was crossing a street, I was looking at my right, left, front and even my back. I was already confused with right sided roads. Some cars seemed to be moving on its own since there was none sitting on the left front seat.
There was no rain yet.
The next day, I met with some new people from the same place that I was staying. Juan and his girl friend. They were friendly and busy. What does it mean. They were obviously looking for a flat. Then I met with Nina, half indian and half german. The next was Chris, german. Later on, Pierre appeared in the scene, from Italy. The last but not least, Viktoria from the green hills of England was there. The ultimate aim of all these different cultures met at ıone common point. It was to find a place for rent. Pembroke road hall was not only a hotel anymore, it was a place to be blended with the different people sharing the same aim. I realised I had to look for a place to rent. Like everyone else, I wanted to check "" on my pc, however I had a plug problem. I had to buy a converter for my plug.
I asked for a converter and they gave me the converter called a "tourit adapter".
Adaption process to Dublin was switched on.
There was still no rain yet.
5th of September 2006,
I packed mywhole life in my red luggage and dragged it slowly to an island.
The island, Dublin itself spots the question in minds "What would be the prior three things to take when you found yourself on an island?" I guess it is too early to answer such a question. Pause. Live and experience are two magic words that shall shed the light for my concerns in this green land.
Finally, we landed. Anthony, my friend, was there waiting for me. He was my welcome committee. He has passed through all passport controls and walked through all the doors openning into the Turkish Airlines. Such a bloody lovely friend. Pause. I know, I have skipped to mention that he works at the airport. Who cares! He was still there for me.
Tea break at the airport.
When you order a cup of tea, you always get milk with it.Milk and tea time. The next step is Guiness. Watch out, while you are climbing "the drinking ladder" from milk to tea and tea to guiness, you may fall down after Guiness.
Anthony and I took the air coach bus heading towards the center. First impressions appeared on my window screen of the bus. The whole Dublin was playing in my window. No way to pause it anymore. Apparently It would even fast and forward. The city was converted from a patato land into an industrilized european village. Pause. I can hear the reaction. Why village? Believe me there are few real big cities in Europe.
I arrived to my lovely Pembroke Road Bed and Breakfast home. My red luggage, Anthony and I were worried about the stairs. At the end, All were at the top. I was so excited to go out and explore Dublin. I left my heavy red luggage all alone in my room. Anthony had to go back his home. I was all alone on the streets of Dublin. Hearing the language that I can understand. Every time I was crossing a street, I was looking at my right, left, front and even my back. I was already confused with right sided roads. Some cars seemed to be moving on its own since there was none sitting on the left front seat.
There was no rain yet.
The next day, I met with some new people from the same place that I was staying. Juan and his girl friend. They were friendly and busy. What does it mean. They were obviously looking for a flat. Then I met with Nina, half indian and half german. The next was Chris, german. Later on, Pierre appeared in the scene, from Italy. The last but not least, Viktoria from the green hills of England was there. The ultimate aim of all these different cultures met at ıone common point. It was to find a place for rent. Pembroke road hall was not only a hotel anymore, it was a place to be blended with the different people sharing the same aim. I realised I had to look for a place to rent. Like everyone else, I wanted to check "" on my pc, however I had a plug problem. I had to buy a converter for my plug.
I asked for a converter and they gave me the converter called a "tourit adapter".
Adaption process to Dublin was switched on.
There was still no rain yet.
Monday, February 07, 2011
Ayna genler diye bir yazi okudum geçenlerde. DNA ve RNA' lar hücrelerin genlerini oluşturmak için hep sağ tarafları diğer enzimin sol tarafı ile birleşirmiş. Örneğin A enziminin hep sağ tarafı B enziminin solu ile birleşiyor. Hiçbir zaman A enziminin sol tarafı B enziminin sağı ile birleşmiyor. Biraz karışık, ama biraz olsun mantığı açık. Şimdi bunun tam tersini yapmaya çalişarak yeni bir gen kodlaması ile ayna genleri oluşturmak için deneyler yapılıyormuş. Bu şekilde kök hücre gibi virüslere dayanıklı daha güçlü bağışıklık sistemleri geliştirilmek isteniyor.
Bu tarz bilimsel çalışmalar süre dursun, bırakın doğal bir şekilde genlerin birlişmesini bazı grupların genleri tek hücreli organizma gibi 3 çocukla bölünerek çoğalıyor. Etik ve bireysellik duygularından uzak, duygularını bastırmaya yönelik ve düşünmeyi rededen tek hücreli bir gen ortaya çıkıyor. Daha da kötüsü bazıları insanları etkileyecek ve kendini kral ilan edecek şekilde virüslere dönüşüyor. Daha da kötüsü bu virüsler ve kralcı virüsler, kırk yıllık etik değerleri kendilerine mal edip sihirbaz gibi insanları hipnoz ediyor. Kendi etik değerlerini toplumun etik değerleriymiş gibi gösterip üstünden kazanç sağlıyor.
Şimdi kusucağım, midem bulandı.
Benim bildiğim, vefat etmiş kişilerin arkasından konuşulmaz. Hele de bu insanların arkasında bıraktığı sevdikleri bu tarz ileri geri konuşmaları görme veya duyma ihtimali varken. Tanrı bile insanı dünyada rahat bırakmış özgürlüğünü istediği gibi kimseye zarar vermeden yaşasın diye.
Biz, ayna genleri beklemek yerine ve vücud direncimizi virüslere karşı güçlü tutmak için; pozitif değerlere tutunalım, bol bol öğrenelim, bilinçlenelim ve gülelim... Gerisi boş.. Gün gelir virüsler de mezara gider..
Buradan Defne Joy'a Allah'tan Rahmet ve sevenlerine sabır diliyorum...
Bu tarz bilimsel çalışmalar süre dursun, bırakın doğal bir şekilde genlerin birlişmesini bazı grupların genleri tek hücreli organizma gibi 3 çocukla bölünerek çoğalıyor. Etik ve bireysellik duygularından uzak, duygularını bastırmaya yönelik ve düşünmeyi rededen tek hücreli bir gen ortaya çıkıyor. Daha da kötüsü bazıları insanları etkileyecek ve kendini kral ilan edecek şekilde virüslere dönüşüyor. Daha da kötüsü bu virüsler ve kralcı virüsler, kırk yıllık etik değerleri kendilerine mal edip sihirbaz gibi insanları hipnoz ediyor. Kendi etik değerlerini toplumun etik değerleriymiş gibi gösterip üstünden kazanç sağlıyor.
Şimdi kusucağım, midem bulandı.
Benim bildiğim, vefat etmiş kişilerin arkasından konuşulmaz. Hele de bu insanların arkasında bıraktığı sevdikleri bu tarz ileri geri konuşmaları görme veya duyma ihtimali varken. Tanrı bile insanı dünyada rahat bırakmış özgürlüğünü istediği gibi kimseye zarar vermeden yaşasın diye.
Biz, ayna genleri beklemek yerine ve vücud direncimizi virüslere karşı güçlü tutmak için; pozitif değerlere tutunalım, bol bol öğrenelim, bilinçlenelim ve gülelim... Gerisi boş.. Gün gelir virüsler de mezara gider..
Buradan Defne Joy'a Allah'tan Rahmet ve sevenlerine sabır diliyorum...
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Live to be yourself!
'Reasonable people adapt to the system, unreasonable ones adapt the system to themselves' as said by Bob Geldof during his inspiring speech two days ago in Dublin.
In a world of evolving apes, we should be reasonable enough to respect differences and allow ourselves to be unique and different. If one man, such as Bob Geldof can make a difference by organizing the 'Aids to Africa ' concerts and helping millions suffering from hunger, I guess many of us can make a huge difference as thinking unique and being different. Ironically as we grow up, we obey the dominance of 'one' ,move away of being oneself instead of learning to be a passionate individual. Do I really want to grow up? No. I'd better to age as myself.
One of my close friends here in Dublin, Gonca Basak pursued her path to express her uniqueness with her lovely jazzy tone of voice. She started singing with a creative irish band called 'Torc'. I just wanted to share a critic about her and Torc with you. The letter has been sent from 2013.

'Roads to Stranger Creatures. It all happened 'Tonight' by Portishead and Torc. Duet between Portishead and Torc shook the hearts of listeners deeply in Soho London. Gonca, the lead singer of Torc, added a different flavor to 'Roads' the song by Portishead with her jazzy voice. Portishead said 'Torc's version of Roads was stunning, which gave the feeling of the Roads not taken tonight'. The most favorite song release of 2011 from their first album 'Strange Creatures' by Torc was the most remarkable song of the night. At the end of the gig, Gonca said 'I am so happy to feel the same excitement that I had three years ago during my first gig at Globe in Dublin'. Nearly at the end of the Gig, a fan of Torc called Omer Keser fell on the stage while he was trying to take a holographic picture of the performance. Luckily nothing serious happened and everyone burst out laugh. You can watch the holographic video of Torc and Portishead performance in 3D from deepbreath-kamiltavas.'
Kamil Tavas
In a world of evolving apes, we should be reasonable enough to respect differences and allow ourselves to be unique and different. If one man, such as Bob Geldof can make a difference by organizing the 'Aids to Africa ' concerts and helping millions suffering from hunger, I guess many of us can make a huge difference as thinking unique and being different. Ironically as we grow up, we obey the dominance of 'one' ,move away of being oneself instead of learning to be a passionate individual. Do I really want to grow up? No. I'd better to age as myself.
One of my close friends here in Dublin, Gonca Basak pursued her path to express her uniqueness with her lovely jazzy tone of voice. She started singing with a creative irish band called 'Torc'. I just wanted to share a critic about her and Torc with you. The letter has been sent from 2013.

'Roads to Stranger Creatures. It all happened 'Tonight' by Portishead and Torc. Duet between Portishead and Torc shook the hearts of listeners deeply in Soho London. Gonca, the lead singer of Torc, added a different flavor to 'Roads' the song by Portishead with her jazzy voice. Portishead said 'Torc's version of Roads was stunning, which gave the feeling of the Roads not taken tonight'. The most favorite song release of 2011 from their first album 'Strange Creatures' by Torc was the most remarkable song of the night. At the end of the gig, Gonca said 'I am so happy to feel the same excitement that I had three years ago during my first gig at Globe in Dublin'. Nearly at the end of the Gig, a fan of Torc called Omer Keser fell on the stage while he was trying to take a holographic picture of the performance. Luckily nothing serious happened and everyone burst out laugh. You can watch the holographic video of Torc and Portishead performance in 3D from deepbreath-kamiltavas.'
Kamil Tavas
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Ahlak Bilgisizliği ve Dandini Dersi
Türk dizilerinde en çok tekrarlanan repliklerden bazıları. DNA testi yaptırdın mı? Annen kim? Bu çocuk kimin? Üstüme gelme bak DNA testi yaptırırım. Ya da, O Bey’in konağı, bu ailenin holdingi, zengin adam fakir kız… Rapunzel’in bitleri, Sindirella’nın kayıp sütyeni. Biz daha bunları izleyelim. Duyu organlarımızdan sadece görme duyumuz gelişsin ve düşünme yeteneğimizi yavaş yavaş kaybedelim. Tek bir organımızla düşünelim. Diğer yandan, düşünenler DNA’nın sırrını çözüp klonlamayı tartışadursun.
Bizim klonladığımız tek şey Televizyon programları! Sansürlediğimiz ise farklılık! Televizyonda kurbanlık koyunları kesmenin ötesinde insan kesmenin, sözde ahlak için adam öldürmenin vacibliğini ve hırsızlığın yüceltildiğini görür olduk. Sevginin ise yasaklandığını. Eskiden siyah beyaz olan televizyonlardan bile daha renksiz bir ekran sardı hayatımızı. Din adına dandini dandini televizyon uyuşturucusu ile uyutulur olduk. Hepimiz düşünmeye aç, yaşayan zombiler olduk. Başımızdakiler her şeyi yiyedursun, biz birbirimizin beynini yiyelim. Minik zombiler bu sinemada.
O ne der bu ne der şu ne der? Ya sen ne dersin? Elindeki kumanda sadece önündeki ekranı değiştirmeye yetiyor, kendi hayatını değiştiremiyorsan, zombilik yolunda ilk aşamaya gelmiş sayılırsın. Eğer bir sabah kalktığında, onun bunun dediğini sadece düşünür olduysan ve herkese bağırıp çağırıyorsan siyah kuşak zombi olmuşsundur. Hadi çok geç olmadan, dandini dandini bostana zombiler girmeden bostana, uyan!
Kamil Tavas
Bizim klonladığımız tek şey Televizyon programları! Sansürlediğimiz ise farklılık! Televizyonda kurbanlık koyunları kesmenin ötesinde insan kesmenin, sözde ahlak için adam öldürmenin vacibliğini ve hırsızlığın yüceltildiğini görür olduk. Sevginin ise yasaklandığını. Eskiden siyah beyaz olan televizyonlardan bile daha renksiz bir ekran sardı hayatımızı. Din adına dandini dandini televizyon uyuşturucusu ile uyutulur olduk. Hepimiz düşünmeye aç, yaşayan zombiler olduk. Başımızdakiler her şeyi yiyedursun, biz birbirimizin beynini yiyelim. Minik zombiler bu sinemada.
O ne der bu ne der şu ne der? Ya sen ne dersin? Elindeki kumanda sadece önündeki ekranı değiştirmeye yetiyor, kendi hayatını değiştiremiyorsan, zombilik yolunda ilk aşamaya gelmiş sayılırsın. Eğer bir sabah kalktığında, onun bunun dediğini sadece düşünür olduysan ve herkese bağırıp çağırıyorsan siyah kuşak zombi olmuşsundur. Hadi çok geç olmadan, dandini dandini bostana zombiler girmeden bostana, uyan!
Kamil Tavas
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Can you buy democracy?
As a Turk living in Ireland, I missed the chance to see U2 perform in my home country on 6th of September. U2 is a legendary band who have, according to Bono, refuses to perform in Turkey due to the digestive problems of democracy there. Somehow within a short period of time, Prime Minister Erdogan's pink pill has succeeded in suppressing these problems, along with any dissent or opposition to the policies of his government. Those who dare oppose the AKP's new regime in Turkey face the threat of sudden tax audits, police investigations in the dead of night and other such challenges. Alternatively you can take the pill and continue seeing pink dreams. The dream has come true and U2 was in Turkey. All of a sudden, the prejudice of U2 against Turkey was suddenly reversed by the strong PR work of AKP party. Using U2 was the ultimate PR coup for the AKP government but it merely shows that the illusion of democracy can be bought any time and anywhere. The good thing is, when Bono thanked the Chief E.U Negotiator and Erdoğan's right hand man Egemen Bağış the, fifty thousand boos echoed across the stadium. This should be read as a clear message from the people who have not been dreaming and living the reality of the current government.I hope one day, democracy will truly dawn over Turkey, and the pretentiousness of the current Turkish government will be exposed for what it really is.
Kamil Tavas
Kamil Tavas
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